Mt. Tulu Welel (10,900 ft.), Western Wollega, Ethiopia
Both model schools have an adjacent garden where children can practice their environmental studies. The gardens will become an integral part of the educational experience and may also serve as community gardens that produce foodstuffs. An essential purpose of the gardens is to teach land reclamation to the children and to the community.
Garden development at the new schools is in still being developed, but the picture below shows some of the plantings at Aleku School.
Click on the image to view.
Aleku |
Some school and community gardens in the US that might serve as models for the EREP school gardens are shown in the following pictures. All of these gardens are located in Oregon. The pictures were taken in January and few crops are evident, but each of these gardens produces crops.
Click on the images to view.
Eastside School |
Goshen School |
Riverside School |